Want WhatsApp Green Tick? Be Prepared to Answer These Top 5 Questions

Want WhatsApp Green Tick?

Want WhatsApp Green Tick?

If you are running a business then you must be aware of WhatsApp Green Tick and you might even be thinking of having one on your account. If is that so then be prepared to answer the following questions most commonly asked by the business development executives.

Want WhatsApp Green Tick?

Are you a business owner?

This will probably be the first question asked by any BDE. Why do they ask so. They ask this question because they are aware that WhatsApp Green Tick is not allotted on personal WhatsApp number.

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How to get green tick, Video Credit: YouTube Channel of Umar Tazkeer

Want WhatsApp Green Tick?

Are you using WhatsApp Business API?

This will probably be the next question by any BDE. They ask this because they know that Green Tick is not allotted on free WhatsApp account.

Want WhatsApp Green Tick?

Do you have a website?

This will be the third question asked by any BDE. They ask this for many reasons. First, they will be able to understand more of your business and second, they know that WhatsApp Green Tick is allotted to only reputed business owners.

Want WhatsApp Green Tick?

Do you have all the relevant documents?

Availing Green Tick is a step-by-step process and in one of the steps you will be asked to submit all the essential documents to Meta so that they can accept your application for the WhatsApp Green Tick.

Want WhatsApp Green Tick?

Chill, BDEs not only ask questions but they also give the answers as they are hired to make clients work easier not to interrogate them. But having a basic idea about you and your business is very much important. If you want to apply for WhatsApp Green Tick or have any query in your mind then call the professionals of MSG 24×7 on 9031011559. They will surely help you in clearing all your queries.