In Bollywood, everyone strives to make their mark, climbing the ladder from rags to riches. However, there was one actress whose journey was a tragic tale of success, despair, and depression. We are talking about actress Vimi. Her life was full of pain, and it ended on a heartbreaking note.
In the 1960s, Vimi was considered one of the most beautiful actresses in the industry. She made her debut after marriage and instantly won the audience’s hearts with her very first film. But her success story was short-lived.
Vimi was a trained singer and married businessman Shiv Agarwal. Renowned music director Ravi introduced Vimi to filmmaker B.R. Chopra, who immediately cast her opposite Sunil Dutt in the film Humraaz. The film was a massive hit, turning Vimi into an overnight star. However, her subsequent films, such as Aabroo and Patanga, flopped. Despite her performance in the hit Punjabi film Nanak Naam Jahaz Hai, her career failed to revive.
According to reports by News18, Vimi faced domestic violence during her marriage and eventually separated from her husband, Shiv. After their separation, she started living with a small-time producer, Jolly, who exploited her. Vimi’s business ventures failed, leaving her drowning in debt. She developed a severe alcohol addiction, and it was reported that Jolly pushed her into prostitution, forcing her to meet other producers against her will.
Vimi spent her final days in extreme poverty. Some reports claim that her body was taken to the cremation ground on a cart after her death. Her tragic story remains one of the most shocking chapters in Bollywood’s history.